Saturday, June 18, 2011

Friday with friends

Korea: 06/18/11 Afternoon

Hit the streets of Seoul for the day!

First! For lunch, I met up with J on her break. We went to this Korean restaurant in Insadong with some fancy-schmancy grub. I just ate and went home but I wished I had stayed and explored a little because supposedly it's an artsy area? I'll go back.

Then for dinner, I met up with some co-workers in Hongdae. We ate paella at this Spanish place that they liked. Me, not so much. But it was interesting to eat Spanish food in Korea.

Then we walked around.. and Kim Hyun Joong was there! PURE CHAOS ensued. People running to catch a glimpse of him, girls screaming. I was only able to see the back of his head though.

Wanted to capture the craziness of people trying to see him but only got blurry pics. Any time he turned his head slightly in one direction, the people facing him in that direction went nuts.

Checked out the street vendors. Co-workers and I wearing ridiculous sunglasses at a table.

Crepes for dessert! I had a crepe with green tea ice cream, green tea cake, and bananas. It was wonderful.

We passed by a crowd surrounding these drummers. They looked like they were having so much fun.. the guy in the blue shirt was esp letting loose. I took a vid of it, but missed the part where they were really getting into it. Check it out.

Apparently this dog is famous in Hongdae? In any case it was HUGE.

Random sights around the streets. The bear was cute but looked sad.

And that was was basically the end of the night! This is the first time I've hung out with non-Koreans here, and it was a different experience than with Koreans, both American and from here. Not bad though.. it was nice to be around people whom I could easily communicate with. But check Insadong (but not really.. gonna go back again) and Hongdae off my list!

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