Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Considering going to MORE school after what will be 23 consecutive years of education.. crazy I am

Well, Teresa, at least it's not a C!
-Dean of Admissions, when I told him my feelings about my histo grade. Meaning, it's not a big deal! Okay, okay. Over it! If he says I can still specialize, I can still specialize. Just gotta get through the next 4 years, right? :)
Ack, I totally forgot about this last night. It was a pretty fun day too. Oh well.. this is harder to keep up with than expected though...

Second to last day of work. Today was one of those days that will make me miss working in endo..

But yeah.. randomly had a short conversation with the dean today. It basically came down to him saying that admissions truly looks out for their applicants and what's best for them. The path I took to get into dental school (ie the scenic route.. haha) isn't the most ideal, but I still think it's a pretty cool story. It amazes me how God works.. from all the doubts 1st-3rd year of college about where God was leading me in terms of career/major, to where I am now. Even with little details that turned into huge turning points. I actually wasn't even going to apply 2 years ago.. just kind of did it on a whim to see what would happen. But then I miraculously got an interview.. and then everything else that followed. Seriously, all God.

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