Thursday, October 13, 2011


We started the lab part of Operative today. Basically making restorative/amalgam preps (drilling) on fake teeth. This is what lab looks like, and what I did all day.. sitting at my work station with my mannequin. Since I'm a lefty, I'm on the end of the row and work in the opposite direction as most of my classmates. I like this class because the simulations are getting more real. We're getting closer to treating patients! I mean, at this point I don't think anyone should let me near an actual person's mouth waving a high speed handpiece around, but still. Closer. :)


Anonymous said...

you legit, Dentist Sakai! Teresa! you're only three years away! Alice Ding says, "WOW!" we are proud of you, gurl :)

T said...

thanks guys! it means a lot. :)

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