Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Wake up call

I had a competency today on composite restorations-common, non-metal fillings. I did average, neither horrible nor exceptionally well. This correlates to the amount of work I put in; ie did not work as hard as I could have/should have, but for some reason I got in it my head that I didn't need to practice too much and could "wing it". Don't know who I was kidding.. lesson learned.

Though I understand I deserved what I got, I really wanted, and even kind of expected a great grade today. But because that didn't happen, I'm now super motivated to work harder this semester.. been slacking off a lot lately. So at least something good came out of this?

Monday, January 30, 2012

This city is not nerd friendly

The biggest gripe I have about being a student where I live is that there are barely any options for studying later into the evening. EVERYTHING closes at 9, and the places that don't (and I can only think of literally 2 examples) are either farther than I would like to drive and/or unappealing.

I truly miss the days when I could walk/bus/take a short drive to the libraries in undergrad, and could take my pick depending on the level of nerdiness I was feeling. The luxury life...

Now I'm scrambling, calling all the Starbucks in my area trying to find a joint that stays open for another couple of hours. Newsflash. There are none.

So here I am, blogging instead of studying, in my room, doing exactly what I tried to avoid by getting out of the apartment.

La di da...

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Just say no

To t-shirts!

My ridiculous t-shirt collection

There was once a time when I was a t-shirt fiend. If it fit the criteria 1. cute, 2. free, or 3. basically had any resemblance of a t-shirt, I wanted it! And now I face the consequence of my overindulgence: more shirts than I know what to do with. Although I never run low on clothes to work out in, I suppose I would have to work out at some point in order to use them..

So if I'm going to make any last minute new year's resolutions, this is probably the only one: no more t-shirts! I don't care how cute, or how free, or how much it looks like a t-shirt, I can't accept it.

Except.. I just signed up for an exercise program (in order to combat the aforementioned lack thereof in my life), and the prize at the end is... a free t-shirt. Ha.. 

Okay, that will be my ONLY exception.. then back to a t-shirt free life!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Happy New Year, part deux

Bye bye, year of the rabbit.. confession: a little part of me thought that this would be the BEST YEAR EVER, and while it was a good year filled with tons of blessings, I can't say it was the BEST out of the 24 years I've lived. But that's ok. :) Hi dragon!

Anyway, I actually celebrated Vietnamese style today.. went to a friend's house and ate. And ate. And ate. Ugh so full.. but it was all so good!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Sigur Rós

Inní Mér Syngur Vitleysingur. Happy, Icelandic music. Thanks for bringing it up today, Pandora.

Sæglópur was my ringtone on my old phone. I loved this song! Oh my goodness.. even listening to it now gives me Pavlovian reflexes to go look for my phone.

Music transcends language.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Another milestone

Today we (D1s) did our first local anesthesia injections!

Not going to lie, I was pretty nervous about it. I'd like to thank Youtube for the videos I watched to prepare. :) But I got through it.. it was easier than expected, but I still felt bad for my classmate, who graciously endured through my noob injections.

Some pics:

My first patient!

Giving the injection.. trying not to mess up..

Yay! Successful team!

Slowly getting one step closer to becoming a dentist!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


I ate lunch with my brother today. Because it was cold and rainy, I was craving pho. And, as it turned out, so was the rest of the city.. pho restaurants must love this weather! The first place we went to was packed, so I suggested we just go to the other, less popular one down the street. Our discussion:

Me: Should we go to Vietnam 1?
Bro: Ok. But I hope it isn't closed on Mondays.
Me: It's Tuesday.
Bro: It's Wednesday.

LOL. Owned. Apparently the S siblings are really bad with the days of the week.

Anyway. So maybe I was subconsciously thinking about family/siblings afterward, because this was what I picked up for my break time reading material during my typical study sesh at B&N.

I love learning about personalities and what makes people who they are.. although surprisingly, I was never especially keen on psychology/sociology classes in college. This book doesn't really say anything new about typical traits of oldest/middle/youngest/only children, but it's fun making comparisons with myself, as well as people I know. I slightly deviate from the standard oldest sibling.. while I am a serious, parent pleasing, goal setting/achieving, list making, first born daughter, I lack natural leadership skills and kind of have the secretive and diplomatic tendencies of a middle child for some reason. My brother is a through-and-through fun-loving, social butterfly, baby of the family.

So yes, I think birth order does have impact on personality.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Just go

3 Reasons to Travel While You're Young

I stumbled upon a blog today, and found a bit of a kindred spirit in its author. I read through several articles about writing, Christian living/faith, and other subjects I found relevant, but the above-linked entry was one of my favorites.

I've been given a couple of opportunities to travel in this new year, with one in particular in mind. As much as I love to visit new destinations, the voice of hesitancy (which lives in a nice penthouse in my brain, as I've failed to evict it thus far) began its usual recital of reasons why I shouldn't seize this chance: money, timing, safety, etc.

But I feel inspired again. While I can think of several other reasons why traveling is personally precious to me, I'm finding confirmation in what I want to do this summer through this guy's post.

Just go.

I think I'm going.

PS-I'm running on 3 hours of sleep, so I probably sound a little wacky. Had random insomnia last night.