Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Living in a paperless world

I've always been a big fan of paper schedulers, and handwriting my to-do lists, but I'm just now realizing the streamlining power that is Google Calendars. I've mostly just used it to track my classes, since I'm linked to the public calendar set up for our class, but because I've become so dependent on it lately, I decided to add a few non-school items as well. I can actually see myself easily transitioning to using this as my primary calendar..

Plus, color coding FTW.

The one con I do see is that with paper, it's not only for scheduling, it is also for scrap paper.. jotting down grocery lists, random company's phone numbers, mailing addresses, etc. With an "e-calendar", if you will, I can't just bust it out in the middle of Kroger or something.. I suppose the answer is in getting a smartphone, but that's another story. I guess I'm just an old-fashioned girl living in a high tech world hehe

A peek at my week:

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