Weird day. Lately I keep waking up around 5:30-5:45am, even though I usually fall asleep around midnight. I feel perfectly rested at first, but my mind is like "Body, what are you doing? You definitely did not get enough sleep. Take advantage of the hour you have left!" so I just stay in bed and eventually get sleepy. But then the sleepiness lasts through the whole day. I'm chalking it up to stress? Lots of things on my mind these days.
Then work.. it's nice to work all day, and then have no responsibilities whatsoever afterward (ie no schoolwork), but I was literally about to go bananas doing the same. repetitive. thing. over and over and over again today. Monday is ok because I'm recharged from the weekend, Tuesday I get a little tired of it, but by Wednesday I'm sooo over it. While I'm thankful for the job and experience, super glad that it's only temporary.
And then I'm driving home, and my car starts shaking violently as I'm driving. Turns out I had a flat tire. :( Sigh.. thankfully I'm off tomorrow so I don't have to worry about getting to work and have time to get it replaced.
Yeah.. so weird day.
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