Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Homemade acupuncture

I had a gyro and fries today for lunch. As a side note, I live near a great Greek restaurant that has the best, most addicting, pungently garlic-y, perfectly creamy tzaziki sauce. It was so good though, that I unfortunately ate more than I should have, a lemon-seasoned fry and falafel too many.

Hence the indigestion I felt all day afterward.

It got really bad and nothing seemed to help--a walk, popping Pepto Bismol pills like candy, drinking water, elevating my feet (randomly found this online when looking for cures). Desperate, I remembered an old treatment that my mom used to administer: the mystical pricking of the thumb. I used to get stomachaches all the time as a kid, and this ALWAYS worked like a charm. Instantaneously, at that.

So, I sterilized a needle, cut off circulation to my left thumb, grit my teeth, and made a stab at the skin below my nail to cause bleeding.

Results? There was no sudden, definitive WOOSH of relief that I remembered accompanying this. I actually do feel a little better, but I can't tell if I'm just imagining this, because I definitely still feel some abdominal pressure, though not as bothersome.

Haha. Maybe I did this all wrong. Or maybe acupuncture is just one big placebo.

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