Saturday, April 30, 2011

Don't get mad, go running

Got irritated earlier. Details aren't important, but I went for a run and nature's little rays of sunshine, endorphins, kicked in and made me feel so much better about the situation. Plus my anger fuels me to run faster! :) I've been so obsessed with running outside.. yet my endurance isn't too high. What gives?

Life goal: run a marathon.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Histo study fail

Accidentally went out tonight, even though I fully intended to hardcore study. I want to inspire guilt in myself, but at the same time, it was nice meeting new people and just having a relaxing Friday night off. I went for a walk with my roommate and our friend, and somehow ended up chatting with new acquaintances (through mutual friends, no creepiness) at Bandito's, sipping a Stella. It was fun.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

I take it back

God is so, so, so good, and I have to share.

I actually already wrote an entry for today. It was mid-afternoon and I had just experienced a minor hurt. I thought that it would define my day, but I was wrong. So this is replacing the old post.

FIRST. I've been thinking about summer projects lately. One of them requires a visa.. and learning how to get one has been like opening Pandora's box of evil and confusion. One of the biggest headaches about it all is obtaining an FBI criminal background check. I mean, I know I'm gangsta, but really. I found out that it typically takes about 2-3 months to get the results back. Time which I do not have at this point since I need it back within weeks. So I started to get disappointed, thinking that the opportunity probably won't pan out.

I expressed my woes to my church mentor (not expecting her to be able to do anything about it, but just to share what I was dealing with that week), and she referred me to the head pastor, who went above and beyond for me to try to pull some strings with his connections. SO THANKFUL. After a week of phone calls and emails to various people, I ended up getting a call today from the pastor's assistant, and she approximated that I would get it in 2-3 weeks. SCORE!

SECOND. Financially, this school year has been a little stressful. I took out loans (actually THIS is the main source of stress, but that's another story), and I have a part-time job, but I have to be conscientious about my day-to-day spending. In other words, while I live relatively comfortably, there's just not a lot of wiggle room. Especially lately, for various reasons.

In all of this, I try to be committed to tithing part of the money I make at my job. It's not much, but there's been a few times that I've been so tempted to just not give and keep it to pay for other expenses. I have to remind myself that everything I receive, God has provided, and I need to give thankfully. And when I do, I see more clearly that he blesses me in ways that I don't expect. Today I got a government check from an increase in a military education benefit pay that I used to receive. It was postmarked for October 1, 2010 but because of address mix-ups, I just now received it, which is perfect timing. I didn't need it as much in October as I do now.

And now I'm filled with thanksgiving. The self-pity I was feeling earlier is gone. Crazy how praying and reading scripture can change things 180 degrees in a short time. Praise God.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The end of my D.5 year playlist

"And I've been running in the streets all day
And I've been looking at the stars all night
It got my thinking how can I get away
It got me thinking about a perfect day."
Jim Jones-Perfect Day

"We're only young and naive still
We require certain skills
The mood it changes like the wind
Hard to control when it begins."
The Naked and Famous-Young Blood

"So turn off, turn off this song
Find someone to love
Turn off this song
You can listen to it later
And go outside."
The Lonely Forest-Turn Off This Song and Go Outside

"I'ma keep it cool, and I'ma do me
It is what it is and that's how it's gonna be
Until I get there
And yeah I got flaws, I know I'm not perfect
But all ups and downs, will soon be worth it
When I get there."
Lupe Fiasco-Till I Get There

"Nothing compares, no worries or cares
Regrets and mistakes they're memories made
Who would have known how bittersweet this would taste."
Adele-Someone Like You

On heavy rotation these days. Except the Adele track, which I truly fell in love with a few hours ago. 2 more weeks until I'm done! I need to finish STRONG.

Goldilocks of the blogosphere

I had a xanga.
But it became a little too old-fashioned.

Then I made a blogspot.
But then I made it into this iron-gated, impenetrable fortress that nobody ever read.

So then I tried tumblr.
But it was a little too hipster for my taste. I would write in it, and then feel like I wasn't using it properly because I never "reblogged", or "liked", or posted ironic/culturally relevant pictures.

And then I realized that blogspot was just right. So I'm back!

I've been thinking about how quickly time flies. I can't believe that the school year is almost over. Seems like a second ago that I got that acceptance letter, when in reality it's been over a year now.

So I'm making a humble attempt to publicly journal something every day for a year. Hopefully it'll keep me from zoning out for weeks on end, only to wake up and ask myself where all the time went. I want to be engaged in my daily life!

I've been running outside a lot lately, on account of the WARM weather! I recently found this cool trail kind of near my apt that I try to go to as much as possible, but it's still a good 15 min walk away. Today, there was a chance of rain so I decided to keep it local and just run around my neighborhood. Going out for a run during sunset is one of the most peaceful, joyful pleasures in life. It's addicting.. but my legs do not appreciate it so much. They are so sore right now.. but it's a good pain. Makes me feel like I'm getting stronger.

I hope I have internet/computer access for the next 365 days.