Saturday, July 23, 2011

Coex Aquarium

My second to last weekend in Korea, I made a trip to Coex Aquarium! I'm not the hugest lover of sea creatures (they aight), but it was something cool to do, and I have a ton of pics that I thought I might as well post. Also, I'm still jetlagged! I don't know what the deal is...


There was this little display and one of the props was this straw bed that was used for babies to pee in back in the day. Naturally, we thought to pose with it.

I tried to take a pic of just the stingray by itself, but this little kid would not move her hand away! When she finally did, another little kid put her hand up so I gave up and just took the pic again. Now I think these pics are cute haha

shark shark shark

And that's that! Oh my goodness, thankfully I think is this the last post with a lot of pictures.. slow uploading is no fun.

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