Thursday, August 9, 2012

The city that never sleeps

As a sort of final hurrah of my summer vacation, my friend H invited me to visit her new home, NYC, for a few days! Twas mucho fun! I didn't take too many pictures but here are some parts of our adventures..

The first full day I was there, there were preview performances of shows for the upcoming fall Broadway season at Bryant Park. We decided to check it out, and despite the heat, it was worth it just to see the Mamma Mia cast perform. You'll see my friend and myself laughing in the beginning of the vid at how COMMITTED the guy in the mustard yellow shirt is to the performance! He is so into it! Love it. Sorry for the shakiness and my constant zoom adjustment though. :(


We made a stop at my smarty pants friend's school, Columbia. This area reminded me of the Lawn at UVA.

Okay. So about this musical.. I knew I wanted to see a Broadway show while I was in NY, and had a list all ready to go of possible ones I was interested in. H thought we should go to the theaters the day before to scope out the availability of each show, and whether it was likely that we would be able to see it for cheap. This was the first and only place we stopped by, because the man we spoke to that worked there hyped it up for us, telling us that tickets were sold out until next year, and people coming out of the theater said it was hands down the best show they'd seen. We were sold! Hence, we were there the next day from 2:30pm-7:00pm waiting in line for standing tickets, and excitedly, were able to get them..

But like most things that are hyped up, this did not meet expectations. I still can't tell if I am disappointed because it didn't live up to what was advertised, or if it was just a show that I wasn't crazy about, regardless. It does have some merit though-there are a few hilarious scenes and characters, and some of the songs are pretty good.

The line I stood in for 4.5 hours

There was also a lottery for front row/balcony seating. Didn't win.

Times Square never gets old.

Back home. Thought it was a cool scene of the train station.

We also ate A LOT and had fun just people watching in the subway, Central Park, and other parts of the city. Most importantly though, I was glad that I was able to hang out with my buddy, even just in her apt, since I don't get to see her in person too often.

School starts tomorrow for me. Praying that this year goes well!

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