Thursday, April 25, 2013

Hope my patients to dedicate a chapter of their autobiography to me

"I've gone from avoiding dentists and periodontists to practically stalking them, not in some quest for a Hollywood smile but because I enjoy their company."

I randomly picked up David Sedaris's new Let's Explore Diabetes With Owls today while I was at Barnes and Noble, and no joke, the first chapter was entirely dedicated to his strong rapport with his dentists.

Love it.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Hipster remixes

I'm alive. Processing a lot of thoughts these days. Re-evaluating. Mostly recognizing my frail humanity and how much I suck at living life apart from Christ. How do people do it without going crazy? Genuinely curious.

On a more superficial note, my musical preferences lean toward the indie/hipster spectrum-I can't help it! It makes me smile and sometimes do wiggles that kind of resemble dancing. But going a step further, lately I've been into remixes of songs that I like. A couple of favorites, mostly because they sound like odes to the warmer weather!

Ra Ra Riot-Beta Love (RAC remix)

Local Natives-Who Knows Who Cares (Wax Nostalgic remix)

Summer is almost here!